Press Release

TMF and the City of Vichy: Empowering Inclusive Mobility for People with Reduced Mobility


JUNE 27, 2024

The Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF), in collaboration with the City of Vichy and three startups, announced their newly-formed partnership to improve mobility conditions for people with reduced mobility. The initiative underscores TMF’s commitment to fostering inclusive mobility solutions that empower each individual to navigate with ease and independence.

Nearly 30% of the EU population experience reduced mobility. The lack of access and innovation means they cannot move freely without facing many obstacles, often leading to feelings of isolation, loss of autonomy, and even health risks. By fostering collaboration and innovation, TMF and its partners will work to address these pressing issues and to create a more accessible and inclusive world for all.

"We aim to leave a lasting legacy of inclusive mobility solutions that empower people with reduced mobility to move freely and confidently. By working closely with local partners and communities, we seek to develop sustainable solutions that endure far beyond the scope of our initial involvement."

Monica Perez Lobo, Director Toyota Mobility Foundation Europe

The new partnership brings together key stakeholders, including the City of Vichy, renowned for its strong commitment to accessibility, and three startups chosen through the Toyota Open Labs - a platform open innovation platform designed to support startups in their ambitions to scale up and contribute to a sustainable future. These startups, Andyamo, Evelity, and Genny Factory, will combine and leverage their expertise to develop holistic approaches to improve navigation and accessibility for individuals with reduced mobility in urban environments.

The project will be based at the Le CREPS Training Campus, a sprawling 9.2-hectare facility nestled in the heart of Vichy's dedicated sports practice area. Partners will map the facility for indoor and outdoor navigation for people with reduced mobility, along with key routes to the city of Vichy. This will include utilizing Genny Factory's connected personal mobility technology to enhance mapping capabilities across diverse terrain. The outcome will be the developing of the first fully adapted GPS to people with reduced mobility and with reduced mobility. This is a solution that can then be replicated as an example of a best practice.

Frédéric Aguillera, Mayor of Vichy and President of Vichy Communauté "Vichy is deeply committed to enhancing accessibility and mobility for all residents. We are proud to collaborate with the Toyota Mobility Foundation and the selected startups to pioneer innovative solutions that promote inclusivity and improve the quality of life for people with people with reduced mobility."

Frédéric Aguillera, Mayor of Vichy and President of Vichy Communauté

The initiative marks the creation of the first holistic move-around solution for people with activity limitations, addressing to common challenges and uncertainties they face outside their homes. By combining accessible outdoor and indoor navigation, and refining the information gathered from connected mobility devices, the project aims to provide comprehensive mapping support for individuals with or without reduced mobility throughout their journeys.

Andyamo: "Our mission is to improve mobility for all, especially people with reduced mobility. The value proposition is to help transport operators and MaaS providers to promote walking and public transport mobility for all by calculating the best accessible and precise routes."

Sebastien Guillon, CEO & Co-founder, Andyamo

Evelity: "Evelity offers interfaces, routes, and indications adapted to each user profile, whether disabled or not. Our aim is to provide better orientation and navigation for people with people with reduced mobility, or in disabling situations, in complex places of everyday life, using a mobility assistance application."

Sylvain Denoncin, Président / CEO, Groupe Okeenea

Genny Factory: “To move freely and independently in a pedestrian or indoor area, you must have been there at least once. Genny Zero's technology continuously maps its position and terrain, sharing information about areas to navigate or avoid. Genny ZERO is a stylishly designed personal transporter for all users, featuring redundant self-balancing technology"

Paolo Badano, CEO & Founder of Genny Factory


About Toyota Mobility Foundation

Established in 2014, the Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF) is dedicated to creating a more inclusive and sustainable future through innovative mobility solutions.  The Foundation underscores Toyota’s ongoing commitment to continuous improvement and respect for people. It utilizes Toyota’s expertise and technologies to support strong mobility systems while eliminating disparities in mobility. TMF works in partnership with universities, governments, non-profits, research institutions and other organizations, creating programs that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address mobility issues around the world.


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